Terms and Conditions
The www.raymont.gr is the online store for the sale of products through the Internet of the societe anonyme under the name "MEGALOIKONOMOU P. & X. g.p." (hereinafter, for the sake of brevity, " or the" Seller ", or the " Company " ), based in NIKEA Attica, Parodos Tarsou 35, Ni kaia (TIN: 09996980 / Tax Office of NIKEA).
Our concern is the listing of the terms that govern the rights and obligations of the " Company " as the owner of the online store located at www.raymont.gr to all of you who will visit its website for your best service in the search and acquisition of the products you wish to buy from its store.
All transactions made through the www.raymont.gr are governed by International and European law governing matters relating to e-commerce, as well as the Law on Consumer Protection (Law 2251/1994) governing matters relating to distance selling.
Make sure you agree to the following terms and conditions as you use and browse the raymont.gr implies your explicit and unconditional consent and consent with them
Any natural person who visits the pages of the site or makes use of the services for the sake of brevity is hereby referred to as "User / Consumer".
These General Terms of Use of the website and the purchase of the products / services of our online store (hereinafter the "Terms of Use"), determine the terms and conditions of your browsing the raymont.gr Website and the use of this and the online store and govern the sales contract concluded between us for the purchase of products from our online store. Access to and use of this website, as well as the purchase of products from raymont.gr are based on the assumption that these Terms of Use have been read and have been understood and accepted by the User / Consumer. Any action of the User / Consumer in our online store, such as browsing it, subscribing to the newsletter of our Company, or purchasing our products, is considered as unconditional acceptance of these Terms of Use.
You are therefore calling the User / Consumer before entering the raymont.gr , consult the Terms of Use and make sure it agrees with them. In case of disagreement with any of these Terms of Use, you must not take any action, both on our Website and in our online store, including your simple browsing of it.
The reserves the right to modify or update the full and / or part of these Terms of Use at its sole discretion or where the modification required by law, if necessary and without prior notice to users / consumers, however, always within transactional ethics and the limits set by law. Any modification or update of the General Terms of Use will be published for our Users on raymont.gr as soon as it takes place and will be binding as soon as it is published in this section of the website. It is clarified that any change of these Terms of Use does not cover orders that have already been placed in the online store, before the entry into force of the amendments in accordance with the above. The use of raymont.gr after the above mentioned modification, is considered as acceptance of the Terms of Use, as they were modified.
The use of this Website by the User / Consumer and any transaction in our online store, is the sole responsibility of the User / Consumer. If you do not agree with the Terms of Use of the " Company " , in whole or in part, please do not use our website.
If you need help, you can consult the General Terms and Conditions , where you will find information on orders, shipments, refunds and returns of products purchased from raymont.gr , as well as other general information about the services offered by raymont.gr . You can request more information phone at 2104910473 from 9 a.m. until 18.00 p.m. and on Saturday from 09 a.m. until 15.00 p.m. (except holidays) or via email at info@raymont.gr
For any other legal information, you can refer to the raymont.gr General Terms and Conditions , Return Policy and Privacy Policy.
The " Company " has adopted a business policy, the goal of which is to sell products through its services and the raymont.gr Website only to "Users / Consumers". "User / Consumer" means any natural person who visits and acts on the raymont.gr for purposes other than its commercial, business or professional activity (if any).
Therefore, in raymont.gr you will find products and services that are addressed, intended and sold exclusively to end users / consumers. The sale of the products for commercial purposes is not allowed. The Company reserves all its rights, including the explicit non-acceptance of purchase proposals that create the impression that they were made for the purpose of further commercialization of the products.
If you are not a Consumer, please do not use our services to purchase products at raymont.gr .
3.1 Responsibility of Users / Customers of the Online Store - Access and Use
Access to raymont.gr and its use, including the display of web pages, the communication with the Company, the download of product information and the making of purchases from the website are carried out by the Users exclusively for personal purposes, which must not be linked in any way in any commercial, business or professional activity.
The User and Consumer of the raymont.gr website is the sole and solely responsible for the legal use of the Website and the Online Store and its contents and is obliged to refrain from any illegal acts and abusive behavior as well as from the adoption of illegal practices and practices of unfair competition. Participation as a member is possible only for natural or legal persons with full legal capacity. Minors (persons under 15 years old) are excluded from acquiring the status of Member.
The " Company " is not considered responsible for the use of the raymont.gr website and its content by any of its Users who do not comply with applicable laws and regulations, without prejudice to the Company's liability for intentional offenses and gross negligence. Specifically, the User / Consumer of the raymont.gr website is solely responsible for the legality and accuracy of the Information, Data and Data provided to raymont.gr as well as for any illegal use of such data or information, which the Company has no responsibility or obligation to control, unless this is imposed on it after termination or by law.
The User / Consumer undertakes the obligation to cover any loss of the " Company " or partner companies from the use of this Website and the User / Consumer account by persons not authorized by him / her.
The User / Consumer is solely responsible for the evaluation and selection of products and services offered by the raymont.gr Website and the " Company " do not bear any responsibility in relation to the correctness of the User / Consumer choice, or any incompatibilities between products selected by him.
3.2 Seller Liability and Warranty
The producer of every product you buy is responsible for any damage due to a defect in his product. Any agreement to limit or release the producer from its liability is void. In case of doubt as to the identity of the manufacturer of a product you purchased from us, please let us know.
3.2.1 Liability for defects, loss
The raymont.gr Website maintains towards you all the obligations provided in the Civil Code for the Seller. Especially in case of defect of the product that you can sell, subject to the application of the mandatory provisions on consumer protection (Article 5 DIRECTIVE 1999/44 / EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 May 1999 on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods warranties ) (a) request repair at no charge, unless this is impossible or requires disproportionate costs; or (b) replaces it with another; or (c) withdraw following the Withdrawal Procedure described in detail in General Terms of Transactions .
The above obligations of our Company cease in case the defect has been caused by you, or the product that is returned has dirt, damage, abrasions, creases and in general creates the impression that it has been used beyond what is necessary to determine its suitability . . In any case, the products must be accompanied by the necessary legal documents and receipts. In order for the non-compliance of the product to be considered valid, the Seller must be informed within one (1) month from the day the non-compliance was detected. Please contact the Customer Service Department by phone at 210 4910473 daily from 0 9.00 am. until 18.00 p.m. and on Saturday from 09.00 p.m. until 15.00 p.m. (except holidays) or via email at info@raymont.gr
In case of loss of the product before it is delivered to you, you have the right to withdraw its purchase and we will refund any money you have paid for their purchase.
In case for some reason your order has been executed incorrectly (wrong product, wrong price, etc.), you must inform us immediately at the following contact details. Please contact the Customer Service Department by phone at 210 4910473 daily from 09.00 π.μ. until 18.00 p.m. and on Saturday from 09.00 p.m. until 15.00 p.m. (except holidays) or via email at info@raymont.gr
We further inform you that the risk of loss or damage of the products is borne by the Seller until you or a third party whom you designate as responsible for receiving the products on your behalf (other than the carrier) has acquired physical possession of the goods, at which point the risk he is transferred to you. However, the risk is transferred to you from the delivery of your purchased products to the carrier, if the carrier has been ordered by you to transport the goods and this option was not offered by raymont . gr , without prejudice to your rights vis-.-vis the carrier.
3.2.2 Limitation of Warranties - Liability
The " Company " and the raymont.gr always act in good faith and within the provisions of the law and these General Terms and Conditions. Therefore, the raymont.gr has taken and continues to take all necessary technical or other measures and makes every effort to:
- the website and the online store operate smoothly and properly without problems, interruptions, delays, errors or mistakes,
- the data / information provided and transmitted through this website on the one hand should not be altered, on the other hand should be protected by backing up, as the security systems of this website where they are subject to restrictions.
- the technology used by itself or the servers ( Servers ) through which our online store is made available to Users must not contain viruses or other harmful components or software programs
However, the raymont.gr DOES NOT PROVIDE RELEVANT GUARANTEES for all the above and is not obliged to compensate you, in case you suffer any damage for the above reasons.
In addition, the raymont.gr no guarantee provides
- the suitability , effectiveness, adequacy of its products for the purpose for which you intended them, and
- for the correct and proper execution of the transaction obligations of the other Users / Customers of the website and its services.
The raymont.gr makes reasonable efforts to maintain and make its content available. Nevertheless, Users / Customers accept that raymont.gr is entitled to modify and / or temporarily or permanently suspend the whole or part of the website with and / or without notice to the Users / Customers, as the availability may be affected by the equipment of the users, by other communication networks, by the large number of people trying to use the website at the same time or for other reasons.
Hence the raymont.gr is not responsible for any direct or indirect, positive or negative damage (negligent, intra-contractual or other) resulting from the inability to use the Website, the inability of users to access it, the termination of all or part of it, as well as and from any errors, interruptions, defects or delays in the operation of the Website or in the transmission through it of information on the internet or poor quality of receiving its services or loss of its content.
The " Company " disclaims any responsibility for any damage that occurs immediately or indirectly, accidentally or consequently, or in any way related to the access or use of raymont.gr , including, but not limited to, any loss or damage caused by viruses that may affect your hardware (PC) or the validity of the information obtained through raymont.gr .
Disclaimer of Content
The " Company " has made every effort to prevent the publication on the website of the content, which describes or reflects situations of physical or psychological violence or content which, depending on the sensitivity of raymont.gr users, may be considered to violate political beliefs or human rights and human dignity in all its forms and manifestations. In any case, the " Company " does not guarantee that the content of the website is appropriate or legal in other countries outside Greece.
However, in the event that such content is deemed unauthorized by law or illegal in some of these Countries, please do not visit the raymont.gr Website and in case, nevertheless, you decide to visit it, we inform you with this document that for the use of the services provided by raymont.gr and in which you indulge you will be solely and personally responsible.
The " Company " has also taken measures to ensure that the content of raymont.gr is accurate and does not contain incorrect or up-to-date information. However, the " Company " can not be held responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the content published by the " Company " on the raymont.gr Website, except in relation to its liability for intentional offenses and gross negligence and as otherwise provided by law.
In addition, the " Company " can not guarantee that the website will operate smoothly, without interruptions and errors due to the connection to the Internet. In case of any problem while using the raymont.gr Website contact Customer Service. A representative of raymont.gr will be at your disposal to help you as much as possible to regain access to the raymont.gr Website
At the same time, please contact the provider you to Internet services or to check each device for Internet connection and access to web content is correctly activated, including the browser.
The raymont.gr reserves the right at any time to temporarily or permanently suspend the operation of all or part of it for reasons of maintenance or upgrade or for any reason.
Although, the " Company " makes every effort to ensure smooth access to the raymont.gr Website , the dynamic nature of the Internet and web content may not allow www . raymont .gr to operate without pauses, interruptions or discontinuities due to updating the website.
The raymont .gr is not responsible for any technical problems that may occur to Users / Customers when they attempt to access the website and during it and are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure with the use of the website. Also the raymont.gr bears no responsibility for acts or omissions of third parties and especially unauthorized interventions of third parties in products and / or services and / or information available through it.
The " Company " has implemented adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect services in raymont.gr , the integrity of traffic data and electronic communications in order to prevent unauthorized use or access to data as well as the risks of data dissemination, destruction and loss of data and confidential / non-confidential information about raymont.gr Users and to avoid unauthorized or illegal access to such data and information.
In addition to what is explicitly defined herein, the raymont.gr is not liable to civil, criminal, or otherwise liability to you and / or any third party who draws rights from you, in the event that any of the above, while using the services and / or products of this online store, suffers direct, indirect damage, ancillary, deposit financial or other loss, lost profits due to:
- errors, omissions, technical glitches, malfunctions or malfunctions of the Telecommunication Networks, the Internet, the website, the Internet Service Providers ,
- permanent or temporary cessation of operation of the website or certain of its services and / or cessation of supply of certain products through the online store,
- facts, statements, actions, acts and / or omissions of raymont.gr or third parties including other Users / Customers for which kalogirou.com makes no warranties and has no obligation in accordance with the provisions hereof,
- information and other content that may be published and communicated by third parties.
To raymont .gr reserves the right at any time, unjustifiably and without compensation to terminate or terminate the provision of its services and / or its operation permanently or temporarily without subject to any obligation to inform members in advance. The raymont.gr is only liable for direct damages, which arise due to deceit or gross negligence of raymont.gr . Without prejudice to mandatory provisions, raymont.gr liability is expressly excluded for direct damage due to slight negligence regardless of legal reason. raymont.gr 's liability for indirect or consequential damages is completely and expressly excluded - regardless of the reason.
The raymont .gr is entitled to temporarily or permanently exclude a User / Customer from a Member at any time and without stating the reasons, ie to cancel / delete / block the access and / or membership of a member (temporarily and / or permanently) without any claims against raymont.gr . It goes without saying that this member is prohibited from becoming a raymont.gr member again with the same or other elements unless the raymont.gr expressly consents to this. For this purpose the member consents the raymont.gr to keep his personal data in his system in order to be able to identify any subsequent registration attempt. The above applies in particular (but not exclusively) in case of violation of the General Terms and Conditions of Use by the member, which in their entirety are recognized and agreed by the member as essential, in case of request by any Authority, Court, in case of termination by a third party holder of rights against the member.
3.3 Rights and Prohibited Uses
3.3.1 Intellectual Property Rights
The contents of raymont .gr which include, indicatively and not restrictively, works, illustrations, images, dialogues, music, sounds, videos, documents, sketches, sizes, logos and any other material published on raymont .gr in any format, such as menus, web pages, graphics, colors, designs, tools, fonts, web design, diagrams, layouts, methods, procedures, functions and software that are part of raymont .gr , are protected on the basis of the reproduction right ( copyright ) and any other intellectual property right of the " Company " and the respective beneficiaries.
The raymont .gr may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, in whole or in part and its content. The " Company " has the exclusive right to approve or prohibit any reproduction (direct and indirect, temporary or permanent or by any other means or in any form, in whole or in part) of raymont .gr and its content. Reproduction, in whole or in part, of raymont .gr and its content is not allowed without the sometimes written consent / authorization of the " Company " or, if necessary, the authors of the works published on the website. These reproductions will be performed for lawful purposes and in compliance with the reproduction right ( copyright ) and other rights to copyright the effective property " Company " and the authors of works published on the website.
Regarding the use of raymont .gr , only the display of the website and its content is allowed. It is also allowed to perform all other temporary playback actions that are transient or incidental and are an integral and basic part of the raymont.gr view and its content and which have no independent economic significance. In addition, you are allowed to navigate the website for the legal use of raymont.gr and its content. The use of the Website and the Online Store www is prohibited . raymont .gr for posting in any way, publishing, transmitting any content is illegal, threatening, offensive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, immoral, reinforces or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination and / or may cause harm to third parties in any way.
3.3.2 Protection of Personal Data
The management and protection of your Personal Data is governed by the terms of your Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy and the relevant provisions of both Greek and EU and international law regarding the protection of the individual from the processing of personal data, as well as the Decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.
3.3.3 Trademarks and Domain Names ( Domain Names )
The " Company " is the exclusive owner of the logos and trademarks " RAYMONT SHOES " and " MANMADE "
All other marks used to distinguish the products sold on raymont .gr and published on the website are registered trademarks of the respective gentlemen and are used in raymont.gr only for the purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the products sold on raymont.gr
The " Company " and all other owners of registered trademarks have the right to the exclusive use of the trademarks that belong to them respectively.
3.3.4 Prohibited operations / accesses
Any action or omission of the User / Consumer, which contains viruses or other software which may cause interruption, damage, destruction or obstruction of the operation of any software or cause damage to the reputation and reputation of the Company of its Affiliates and Affiliates is prohibited. and / or other users / members / Consumers, or may violate any personal or other data of users / members / Consumers of this Website / Online Store.
In addition, it is prohibited:
(a) Any access to or attempt to access information and data (including personal data) circulated through the Website and for which the User / Consumer has no authority or power to use.
(b) Access to Online Store raymont.gr to create or product or service production to compete with the p roducts / services " Company" and the Site raymont.gr .
(c) The facilitation in any way and by any means of third parties to gain access to the Data provided to raymont.gr by its Members.
(d) Any form of Software piracy, hacking and / or eavesdropping, copying, analogue / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading , processing, resale, creation of data production work (including personal data) and information, including of the content and material (photos, graphics, texts, etc. ) of the Website.
Links to other Websites
Via the raymont.gr Website may provide citations and links to other third party websites, ie allow Users / Consumers to navigate through special links, links , hyperlinks , banners , video , to third party websites ( web-sites ) that are not related by no means with raymont.gr .
The " Company " does not represent, control or monitor these third party websites or their content, therefore will not be responsible for the content of these websites and / or for the rules they have adopted in relation to, indicatively and not restrictively , the protection and processing of the personal data of the User / Consumer, the quality, correctness, legality, completeness, timeliness and accuracy of the information they provide, nor will it be responsible for the properties of the products or services listed through the above websites .
We draw your attention to your access to these websites through the links provided on www.raymont.g and we recommend that you carefully read their terms of use and privacy policies. General Terms of Use, the General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of raymont.gr not apply to third party websites.
The raymont.gr Website provides links to other websites on the Internet solely for the purpose of facilitating its visitors / users / consumers while searching and browsing the Internet, while the websites to which they refer are subject to the respective, of these websites, terms of use.
The placement of links from the raymont.gr Website is not an indication of approval or acceptance of the content of the respective websites by the " Company " , which bears no responsibility for their content, for errors or malfunction of third party websites, as well as for any damage or injury to users / Consumers from the access and use of the information provided through them, as the visitor has access to them at his own risk.
We recommend that you read the Privacy Policy , which also applies to users accessing kalogirou.com and using the relevant services without making purchases. The Privacy Policy will help you understand how and for what purposes www.raymont.gr collects and uses your personal data.
These General Terms of Use are governed by Greek law.